[1] From: Maurizio Lana <lana@cisi.unito.it> (6)
Subject: font for Latin (q)
[2] From: Shakespr@aol.com (13)
Subject: technology lab
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 00:54:57 GMT
From: Maurizio Lana <lana@cisi.unito.it>
Subject: font for Latin (q)
Does anyone know of a font fdor Latin allowing to type/display/print the
marks of short and long vowel, the crux, et cetera?
Many thanks. If possible CC: your answer to me.
Maurizio Lana - CISI, Universita'di Torino - Via S. Ottavio 20, 10124 Torino
- Italy
email: lana@cisi.unito.it - fax 39 (11) 899 1648
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 19:31:21 -0500
From: Shakespr@aol.com
Subject: technology lab
I have been asked by a friend (a professor at SUNY Albany) to help her write
a grant for the establishment of a TECHNOLOGY LAB FOR THE HUMANITIES at SUNY.
This lab would be used to expose students to the uses of state of the art
technology in humanities (liberal arts) based classrooms. I imagine that we
will suggest that teh lab have Pentium PCs, CD ROMs, modems with internet
connections, etc. I would appreciate any suggestions for hardware/software
(Programs, hypertexts, CR ROMs, etc.) that would provide the students with
the widest exposure to technology while still stressing the particular
"humanities" discipline--history, art, music, literature,... If it seems
inappropriate to put responses on the list preale contact me
directly---SHAKESPR@AOL.COM (Carey Cummings, Albany NY).
Thanking all in advance for your assistance I will report on our progress if
our grant is successful.
CArey Cummings