6.0134 CFP: Eurocall 93 (1/63)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Tue, 14 Jul 1992 17:55:10 EDT
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 6, No. 0134. Tuesday, 14 Jul 1992.
Date: Tue,14 Jul 92 12:35:59 BST
From: DJT18@hull.ac.uk
Subject: Eurocall 93
Emancipation Through Learning Technology
University of Hull, England
Wednesday 15 - Friday 17 September 1993
Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers
Eurocall has evolved from a small group of enthusiasts
in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), who met
at the University of Lige in 1986 with the aim of
disseminating information and exchanging ideas about
CALL, as well as sharing research interests. As the
group has grown, international conferences have taken
place in Germany, Holland, Denmark and Austria,
culminating in the largest Eurocall conference to date,
held in Helsinki in 1991. During 1992, Professor Graham
Davies of Thames Valley University, who has played a
leading rle in Eurocall's activities, is co-ordinating
the establishment of a new constitution for the
The theme of "emancipation through learning technology"
highlights the possibilities now open to the language
teaching professions for harnessing computer-based
technologies in ways which can have far-reaching effects
on students, teachers and management. Papers (30 minutes
duration) are called for under the following categories:
1. Autonomous/distance learning;
2. Multimedia for language learning;
3. Resources and tools to support language learning;
4. Evaluation and assessment.
ABSTRACTS of up to 600 words (in English) should be
submitted to the address below by 31 JANUARY 1993. The
abstracts will form part of the conference handbook, and
it is envisaged that the full proceedings will be
published by Peter Lang (Germany). The lecture theatres
where the papers will be delivered will be equipped with
overhead projectors and screens. Ample provision will be
made throughout the conference for software
demonstrations; full details of available hardware will
be published in due course.
Please submit abstracts on disk, preferably in Microsoft
Word (IBM) format, or as an ASCII file, as well as
providing a printed version.
Address for abstracts:
Mrs June Thompson
CTI Centre for Modern Languages
University of Hull
Hull HU6 7RX
Tel: 0482 466373
Fax: 0482 465991
JANET email: Eurocall@uk.ac.hull