5.0489 N&Q: Greek Dictionary; Job Listing (2/52)
Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Mon, 2 Dec 1991 15:57:07 EST
Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0489. Monday, 2 Dec 1991.
(1) Date: 2-DEC-1991 09:35:59.23 (15 lines)
Subject: Greek and Computers
(2) Date: Wed, 27 Nov 91 20:36 CST (37 lines)
Subject: job listing
(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: 2-DEC-1991 09:35:59.23
Subject: Greek and Computers
I am currently taking an intro Greek course, and in the course of conversation
with my professor, he mentioned that there really was no Computerized
dictionary of Greek available. This struck me as strange. So can anyone offer
an address, telephone number or any other means of getting a computerized
dictionary. Please respond in email as I am not on the Humanist list.
-Thomas Riemer
Nobody lives for ever. So why not do what needs to be done today?
The value of life is a measurement of the product you produce for being
alive for a single day. -Triemer@eagle.wesleyan.edu, @wesleyan.bitnet
(2) --------------------------------------------------------------40----
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 91 20:36 CST
Subject: job listing
On behalf of a colleague at the Univ. of Winnipeg, our sister univ.,
I post the following listing of a job in Religious Studies. Pass the
word to any qualified.
The Univ. of Winniepg, Dept. of Religious STudies, seeks a scholar
whose teaching and research interests address gender-nuanced
theoretical and interpretive issues in the cross-cultural study of
religion. Specialization in a non-western culture is preferred, esp.
East Asian/South Asian/Islamic traditions. The position (subject to
budgetary approval) is tenure-track and will probably be filled at
the Assist. Prof level
Apps. aat the Assoc. rank will, however, be considered.
The starting date is Sept. 1, 1992 or a mutually agreed-upon date.
Primary teaching responsibilities are at the undergraduate level with
opportunities for occasional teaching and thesis supervision at the
M.A. level. Candidates with a completed Ph.D. who can demonstrate
both excellence in teaching and a commitment to research are preferred,
though ABDs will be considered.
The Univ. of Winnipeg is a small liberal arts and sciences univ.
located in the ethnically diverse core of the city. The Dept. of
Religious Studies operates internally on the principles of collegiality
and cooperative decision-making, and offers both the advantages and
disadvantages typical of a small dept.
The application deadline is Feb. 28, 1992, though earlier application
is strongly encouraged. Apps. should include a covering letter,
curriculum vitae, 3 letters of reference, student evaluations of
teaching (if possible) and one sample of the applicant's written work,
and should be addressed to: Prof. Peggy Day, Chair, Search Committee,
Dept. of Religious STudies, Univ. of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Ave.,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 2E9, Canada.
This notice courtesy of Larry Hurtado, Dept. of Religion, Univ. of
Manitoba, Winnipeg.