5.0251 Electronic Vulgate (1/44)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Mon, 29 Jul 1991 21:52:52 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 5, No. 0251. Monday, 29 Jul 1991.

Date: Friday, 26 July 1991 0005-EST
Subject: Electronic Vulgate(s)

To the best of my knowledge, all the electronic Vulgate
texts derive from a single source, Wilhelm Ott at the
University of Tuebingen (as the computer wizard for the
Beuron Vulgate project of B. Fischer et al.). Certain
distributors have received permission to make this material
more widely available, most notably the Oxford Text Archive
(with specific permission from the originators) and the
Center for Computer Analysis of Texts here at Penn.

Since I am associated with CCAT, I can describe more accurately
what has happened on the CCAT side of things. We received
permission to distribute the text under our normal conditions
(non-commercial, signed user agreement) about 5 years ago, and
reformatted its "locator IDs" (book, chap., verse, etc.) and
general format to conform to the TLG and PHI texts. We actually
produced two forms, one with variants and the other without,
and included them on the PHI[/CCAT] CD-ROM #1. We also modified
our CCAT utilities software to make it possible to circulate
the "Vulgate with Variants" material on diskette and permit the
user to exclude the variants if so desired. CCAT also provided
the electronic Vulgate to a number of "secondary distributors"
with which CCAT has cooperative relationships.

When the PHI[/CCAT] CD-ROM #1 became unavailable (sold out)
a year or so ago, this Vulgate material could still be obtained
easily on diskette or tape. Now with the appearance of the
PHI [Latin] CD-ROM #5, the Vulgate is once again available in
that form as well, although the software for non-IBYCUS access
will need some (hopefully minor) modification. Other CD-ROM
sources also have or will have this material, such as the
announced ABS/UBS biblical CD-ROM. UBS (United Bible Societies)
is the international copyright holder on the Vulgate and much
other biblical material.

Costs are nominal: CCAT Text Distributors and other secondary
distributors of CCAT materials on diskette charge about $45 US.
The PHI Latin CD-ROM (#5) is $40 per year subscription, with
reduced prices for longer periods or for multiple CD-ROMs
(e.g. the Latin and the Greek Documentary Papyri together).
The ABS/UBS CD-ROM (including search/retrieval software) is
promised at under $200 for a variety of biblical texts.

Contact me for further information (list of vendors, etc.)
Bob Kraft, Kraft@penndrls.UPenn.edu