4.0505 ACM Information Retrieval -- Call for Papers (1/178)

Elaine Brennan & Allen Renear (EDITORS@BROWNVM.BITNET)
Wed, 19 Sep 90 23:32:26 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0505. Wednesday, 19 Sep 1990.

Date: Tue, 18 Sep 90 16:05:34 CDT
From: Mark Olsen <mark@gide.uchicago.edu>
Subject: ACM SIGIR '91 -- Call for Papers


Call for papers


Chicago, Illinois
October 13-16, 1991

Sponsored by ACM SIGIR In co-operation with:
AICA - GLIR (Italy)
GI (Federal Republic of Germany)
INRIA (France)

The events of SIGIR '91 are being coordinated with the Centennial
celebrations of the University of Chicago. The Center for Information
and Language Studies (CILS) is responsible for the coordination.


Problems relating to the effective storage, access and manipulation of
textual information are among the most challenging to current computer
science. Information is continuing to grow exponentially and is
increasingly becoming available in machine readable form; computer
networks are making communicating information easier; new computer
architectures and inexpensive, powerful hardware are making feasible the
introduction of sophisticated, computer intensive algorithms for
efficiently storing and retrieving information.

Research in information retrieval touches on fields as diverse as the
design and analysis of algorithms, natural language processing,
artificial intelligence, hypertext, multimedia data management, and
software engineering. The Annual ACM SIGIR Conference is the premier
forum for presentation and discussion of current research in Information
Retrieval. The 14th Annual Conference will continue this
multidisciplinary tradition, but will focus especially on the problems
of full text databases. The program will consist of contributed
research papers and panel presentations. There will also be a program
of tutorials on Sunday, October 13.


Original research papers and panel proposals are solicited on
topics including, but not limited to, the following:

Information retrieval theory:
Retrieval models and algorithms, Evaluation, Document and query
presentation, extension to full text databases.
Artificial Intelligence Applications:
Knowledge representation, Connectionism, Expert Systems.
Natural Language Processing:
Application of lexicons, parsing algorithms to IR.
Interface Issues:
Human-computer interaction, design considerations.
Hypertext and Multimedia Systems:
Software reuse, Office information systems, Case-based retrieval.
Implementation issues:
New computer architectures, Retrieval hardware, Storage devices,
Data structures, Compression methods.


Persons wishing to contribute original research papers should send four
copies of a full paper to the appropriate program chair, as indicated
below. Papers or (if the author chooses) extended, 10-12 page,
abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings; authors will
be required to sign an ACM copyright release form. The program
committee may select papers for journal publication, in which case an
abstract will be published in the proceedings. Submissions are due
March 25, 1991.


Suggestions for panels should consist of descriptions of the topics to
be covered, the names of proposed speakers and moderator, brief
abstracts of the proposed presentations, and the desired length of time
for the panel. Four copies of proposals, of no more than three pages,
should be sent to the appropriate program chair. Proposals are due
March 25, 1991.


Proposals for tutorials should consist of the topic to be discussed, the
name(s) and brief biographies of the presenter(s), and an outline of the
tutorial. Four copies of proposals, of no more than three pages, are
due April 25, 1991. Email may be used for tutorial proposals, but
backed up by hard copy. Proposals should be sent to the tutorial chair:

Dr. Donna K. Harman
Building 225/A216
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899


March 25, 1991: Papers and panel proposals due to program
April 25, 1991: Tutorial proposals due to tutorial chair
June 3, 1991: Authors informed of acceptance of papers and
July 15, 1991: Final versions of papers due to program chairs

Prof. Abraham Bookstein
1100 E. 57th, CILS
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL 60637, USA
Telephone: (312) 702-8268 FAX: (312) 702-0775

Americas and Asia Europe, Africa, Australia

Prof. Gerard Salton Prof. Yves Chiaramella
Department of Computer Science LGI-IMAG
Science B.P. 53 X
Cornell University 38041 Grenoble CEDEX
Upson Hall France
Ithaca, NY 14853, USA chiara@imag.imag.fr


Maristella Agosti Universita di Padova, Italy
Nick Belkin Rutgers University, USA
Abraham Bookstein University of Chicago, USA
Christine Borgman University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Giorgio Brajnik Universita degli Studi di Udine, Italy
Yves Chiaramella (Chair, European Committee) University of
Grenoble, France
S. Christodoulakis University of Waterloo, Canada
M. Crehange CRIN, France
Bruce Croft University of Massachusetts, USA
Christian Fluhr CEN-SACLAY, France
Ed Fox Virginia Polytechnic Institute, USA
Norbert Fuhr Technische Hochshule Darmstadt, Germany
Paul Jacobs General Electric Research, USA
Gary Marchionini University of Maryland, USA
V. Quint INRIA, France
Fausto Rabitti IEI-CNRS, Italy
Vijay Raghavan (Co-Chair, USA) University of Southwestern
Louisiana, USA
Edie Rasmussen University of Pittsburgh, USA
Gerard Salton (Co-Chair, USA) Cornell University, USA
Craig Stanfill Thinking Machines Corporation, USA
Jean-Luc Vidick Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Peter Willett University of Sheffield, UK
Michael Wong University of Regina, Canada
Clement Yu University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
Keith van Rijsbergen Glasgow University, UK

Conference Chair:
Abraham Bookstein, Center for Information and Language Studies,
University of Chicago
Program Chairs:
Gerard Salton, Cornell University
Vijay Raghavan, University of South West Louisisana
Yves Chiaramella, Institut de Mathematiques Appliques de Grenoble
Tutorials Chair:
Donna Harman, National Bureau of Standards, USA
Local Arrangements Chair:
Michael Koenig, Rosary College
Publicity Chair:
Edward A. Fox, Virginia Polytech
Local Publicity:
Scott Deerwester, Center for Information and Language Studies,
University of Chicago
Clement Yu, University of Illinois, Chicago Campus