3.8 women in medicine, cont. (137)

Mon, 8 May 89 20:04:49 EDT

Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 3, No. 8. Monday, 8 May 1989.

Date: Mon, 08 May 89 19:29:48 CET
From: Wilhelm Ott <ZRSZOT1@DTUZDV1>
Subject: corrected version of women in medicine

[Here is a better version of the bibliography, with the truncated lines
properly formatted. Thanks to Wilhelm Ott for taking care to contribute
this a second time. -- W.M.]

"Women in Medicine":

I have forwarded the enquiries about women in medicine to
the Director of the Institut fuer Geschichte der Medizin
of our university, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fichtner. Here is
a bibliography he supplied. Wilhelm Ott


Literature: "Women in Medicine":

Alic, M.: Hypatia's heritage: a history of women in science
from antiquity to the late nineteenth century. London:
Women's Press 1985. - Pfund 5.95

Chaff, Sandra L.; Haimbach, Ruth; Fenichel, Carol; Woodside,
Nina B.: Women in medicine. A bibliography of the literature
on women physicians. Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press;
(London: Bailey Bros. & Swinfen) 1977. XII, 1124 S. - Pfund
Review: Med. Hist. 22(1978), S. 461.
Review: Isis 70(1979), S. 295f. (Mandelbaum, Dorothy
Review: Clio Med. 16(1981), S. 155.

Davis, Audrey B.: Bibliography on Women: with special
emphasis on their roles in science and society. New York:
Science History Publications 1974. 50 S.
Review: J. Hist. Med. 31(1976), S. 237 (Overmier, Judith).

Davis, N. Z.; Conway, J. K.: Society and the sexes: a
bibliography of women's history. New York: Garland
Publishing 1978. - Doll. 35.00

Donegan, Jane B.: Women and Men Midwives. Medicine,
Morality, and Misogyny in Early America. Westport, Conn.:
Greenwood Press 1978. VIII, 316 S., Abb. (Contributions in
Medical History, No. 2). - Pfund 12.75
Review: Med. Hist. 24(1980), S. 118.
Review: Clio Med. 14(1980), S. 149f. (Morantz, Regina
Review: Bull. Hist. Med. 55(1981), S. 297f. (Leavitt, Judith

Donnison, Jean: Midwives and medical men. A history of
inter-professional rivalries and women's rights. London:
Heinemann 1977. VI, 250 S., Abb. - Pfund 6.50
Review: Med. Hist. 22(1978), S. 98.
Review: Clio Med. 16(1981), S. 162f. (Donegan, Jane B.).

Ehrenreich, B.; English, D.: Witches, Midwives and Nurses. A
History of Woman Healers. New York: The Feminist Press 1973.
47 S. - O. Pr.

Ehrenreich, Barbara; English, Deirdre: Witches, Midwives and
Nurses: A History of Women Healers. London: Writers and
Readers Publishing Cooperative 1977. - Pfund 0.65
Review: Med. Educ. 11(1977), S. 358-359 (Maclean, Una).

Herzenberg, Caroline L.: Women Scientists from Antiquity to
the Present: An Index. West Cornwall, Conn.: Locust Hill
Press 1986. XXXIX, 200 S. - Doll. 30.00
Review: Isis 78(1987), S. 315f. (Koblitz, Ann Hibner).

In Her Own Words: Oral Histories of Woman Physicians. Ed. by
Regina Markell Morantz, Cynthia Stodola Pomerleau,
Carol Hansen Fenichel. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press
1982 (Contributions in Medical History. Nr. 8.). XIV, 284
S., Abb. - Doll. 29.95
Review: J. Hist. Med. 38(1983), S. 472f. (Olch, Peter D.).
Review: Bull. Hist. Med. 57(1983), S. 638f. (Cangi, Ellen

Morantz-Sanchez, Regina Markell: Sympathy and Science: Women
Physicians in American Medicine. New York, Oxford: Oxford
University Press 1985. XII, 464 S., Abb. - Doll. 24.95
Review: Isis 77(1986), S. 175f. (Leavitt, Judith W.).
Review: J. Hist. Med. 41(1986), S. 352-355 (Cayleff, Susan
Review: Bull. Hist. Med. 60(1986), S. 602f. (Reverby,
Review: Hist. Philos. Life Sc. 10(1988), S. 401-403 (Duffin,

Ogilvie, Marilyn Bailey: Women in Science, Antiquity Through
the Nineteenth Century: A Biographical Dictionary with
Annotated Bibliography. Cambridge, Mass., London: MIT Press
1986. XII, 254 S. - Doll. 25.00
Review: Isis 78(1987), S. 315f. (Koblitz, Ann Hibner).

Walsh, Mary Roth: Doctors Wanted: No Women Need Apply:
Sexual Barriers in the Medical Profession, 1835-1975. New
Haven: Yale Univ. Press 1977. XXIII, 303 S. - Doll. 15.00
Review: J. Hist. Med. 33(1978), S. 104f. (Leavitt, Judith
Review: Med. Hist. 22(1978), S. 217.
Review: Isis 69(1978), S. 105f. (Bullough, Vern L.).
Review: Clio Med. 13(1978), S. 84 (Ackerknecht, Erwin

Women and Health: The Politics of Sex in Medicine. Ed. by
Elizabeth Fee. Farmingdale, New York: Baywood Publishing
1983 (Policy, Politics, Health and Medicine Series. 4.) 263
S. - Doll. 14.50
Review: Bull. Hist. Med. 58(1984), S. 613f. (Golden, Janet).

Women and Health in America: Historical Readings. Ed. by
Judith Walzer Leavitt. Madison: University of Wisconsin
Press 1984. IX, 526 S., Abb. - Doll. 32.50
Review: Isis 76(1985), S. 112f. (Jones, Daniel P.).
Review: Med. Hist. 29(1985), S. 113.
Review: J. Hist. Med. 40(1985), S. 495f. (Dwork, Deborah).

Women Physicians of the World. Autobiographies of Medical
Pioneers. Ed. by Leone McGregor Hellstedt. Washington,
London: Hemisphere Publishing Corp. 1978. XV, 420 S., Abb. -
Doll. 24.50
Review: Bull. Hist. Med. 53(1979), S. 632 (Thibodeau,