After some discussion between myself, Syd, and Sebastian, we've reached the conclusion that this would be a propitious time to carry out two fairly major changes to the way the P5 sources are currently managed and deployed from sourceforge. I say "major change" but I very much doubt whether anyone except those actively engaged in updating those sources will ever notice it happen. There are two parts to the change. 1. We will use the facilities offered at sourceForge for migrating from the now decidedly passé cms CVS to the much newer better-featured and more amusingly-named SVN system. 2. We will then change the names of all existing ODD files from their presently rather obscure and random strings to ones that match the identifier of the specification element that they contain. As stated above, unless you are in the habit of daily checking files into the repository, neither of these changes will affect you. But we thought you'd like to know anyway. Why is this a "propitious" time? Because while we are sitting back waiting for input from the Council on the Class front the sources are not being changed by us for a few days. And also because we are roughly half way between releases -- if we keep to our current timetable, the next one will be along shortly after the May meeting.