[tei-council] Mods for supporting git

Hugh Cayless philomousos at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 13:05:22 EST 2014

 Hi All,

I’ve made some changes to the P5 Makefile and to the XSLT that uses
svndate.xml so that it’s possible to build the Guidelines in a git repo
without messing around with the Makefile. I’ve added a new parameter, VCS,
that defaults to "svn", but if you use VCS=git when you run make, then it
generates a pseudo-svn-info XML file using the git log command, and the
process uses that to incorporate the commit and date info.

My question is: will anything (like Mr. Jenkins) break horribly if I commit
this? I’ve tested it and it works just fine locally. You can see the
modifications here:

Thoughts? I'm poised to commit it if nobody objects.


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