[tei-council] <mixedContent> content (was "Re: <content> vs <mixedContent>")

Syd Bauman syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Mon Oct 6 09:35:12 EDT 2014

I just actually looked at the mixedContent elementSpec, and found the
following content model:

      <rng:ref name="elementRef"/>
      <rng:ref name="classRef"/>

I wonder if we don't mean

          <rng:element name="text">
          <rng:ref name="elementRef"/>
          <rng:ref name="classRef"/>

Otherwise the ODD processor is going to have to do "magic" akin to
what we used to do with att.global in order to insert the reference to
the PCDATA. (Also, this makes it very clear to an ODD-writer who uses
mixed content that text nodes will be validated by matching against
the RELAX NG <text/> pattern, not the RELAX NG "string" datatype, nor
the RELAX NG "token" datatype, nor the W3C Schema "string" datatype,
nor the W3C Schema "token" datatype.)

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