[tei-council] oxygen-tei package

Peter Stadler stadler at edirom.de
Fri Sep 19 10:23:51 EDT 2014

As Martin noted (many thanks for the „Reflections on the release"), there had been some issues with the creation of the oxygen-tei package during the last release.
I see some activity in the meantime in the oxygen-tei repo on Google Code and I have some questions, as I tried my way through the build process:

1. Why is it on Google Code? Could we bring that project to GitHub as well?
2. The repo has kind of a weird structure to me as is the build process with two ant files and a shell script. I guess this is by evolution not by design (as Martin would say ;) ?

I think I’d like to rearrange things a little bit and merge all the tasks in one ANT file and source all parameters out to (local.)build.properties. I have never set up Jenkins tasks but to my knowledge ANT scripts play well with it? 
So, is anyone already working on it and what would be needed for Jenkins exactly?


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