[tei-council] Element "abstract" does not appear in Roma?

Syd Bauman syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Wed Sep 10 16:21:59 EDT 2014

Well we may not have articulated a policy, so there may be
inconsistency in the application, but the internationalization
project a few years ago saw to it that there are *lots* of gloss
elements that are children of specifications that are not in English.
Over 2,500 of 'em.

But if the content of one of those is exactly the same as the value
of the ident= of the thing its glossing, should it be there? (There
are 30 such cases. E.g., the 'fr' gloss on <incident> is "incident".)

> I dont think we ever articulated a policy for non-English <gloss>
> elements. I rayther think I'd be against them, since the element
> name is not *really* in English. It just looks like it. (If you
> want to suggest a non-English identifier, use <altIdent>)

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