[tei-council] Element "abstract" does not appear in Roma?

Syd Bauman syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Wed Sep 10 15:04:09 EDT 2014

> The <gloss> in an elementSpec should ONLY be provided for the case
> where the name of an element is not itself an English word. See
> TCW20

Of course. But that doesn't apply to non-English <gloss> elements, I
don't think, does it?

Anyway, I just noticed that (before Martin removed the <gloss> from
the <elementSpec> for <abstract> a little while ago) there are 48
<gloss> elements whose content match the ident= of their parent. Only
18 of those are in English. Since this is a textual change, not a
code change, I plan to look at all 18 and delete the <gloss>s

To search more generally I initially checked for all cases where the
content of <gloss> matched the ident= of the closest ancestor that
had ident=, and normalized space before the comparison. But (not
surprisingly) I got the same results from the simpler "does it equal
parent's ident=?".

long) //gloss[normalize-space(.) eq normalize-space( ancestor::*[@ident][1]/@ident)]
short) //gloss[ . eq ../@ident ]

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