[tei-council] on FR 459

Syd Bauman syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Wed Sep 10 08:08:32 EDT 2014

Well, yes. Looks like
 * TEIP5 @ uvic #1691, and 
 * TEIP5 @ oxac #1573
which I figured might fail (<biblStruct> Schematron errors) did not. 
Seems these builds kicked off
 * TEIP5-Test @ uvic #2125, and
 * TEIP5-Test @ oxac #2420
which I expected to fail (<biblStruct> Schematron errors) but did not. 

Then, a few minsutes later, 
 * TEIP5 @ uvic #1692, and
 * TEIP5 @ oxac #1574
which I hoped would be successful were. 
They kicked off
 * TEIP5-Test @ uvic #2126, and
 * TEIP5-Test @ oxac #2420 and #2421
the former of which succeeded, and the last of which failed.

So ... 

1) Why is UVic 1574 OK whereas Ox 2421 is not?

2) What, if anything, do I need to do to pacify Mr. Oxford Jenkins?

The parsed console output shows that my changes to detest.xml are not
valid. What schema is Oxford using to validate that with, and what
schema is UVic using? The messages I am getting would not be
generated by a normal tei_all schema.

> I think Mr. Jenkins just kicked your shins, finally...

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