[tei-council] on FR 459

Syd Bauman syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Wed Sep 10 00:04:06 EDT 2014

Per FR 294 I've added a direct Schemtron rules deprecating

I tried to make one for biblStruct/idno, too (per FR 383), but found
that we use biblStrcut/idno in the bibliography of P5. (29 times!)
So that will have to be fixed, first.

I have not hit the gram[not(parent::gramGrp)] one yet (FR 288)
because it just isn't clear enough to me exactly what is to be done. 

I'm a bit confused, though. I added a test case to Tests/detest.xml.
I expected my build to fail because the
Test/expected-results/detest.log would not match the result of
validating Test/detest.xml. But my build did not fail. I'm glad it
didn't, because I don't know how Test/expected-results/detest.log is

And it seems to me the P5/expected-results/ValidatorLog.xml file is
not matching reality anymore, but still my build is not failing. (At
least, it doesn't seem to be.)

I'm getting blurry-eyed tired, though. G'night.

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