[tei-council] changing TEI XSL stylesheets

Syd Bauman syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Mon Sep 8 18:57:39 EDT 2014

Restoring the templates for <desc> and <gloss> mode="inLanguage" in
which file from what date?

I'm sorry d3 is twisting you, but inLanguage is twisting me. We don't
get <seg> elements in the output, do we?

> restoring the old templates for desc/gloss mode=“inLanguage” does the
> job.
> the default behaviour here for text is to apply XML whitespace
> normalisation rules, which is probably why this now does the right
> thing. an “xsl:value-of” does not, however.
> don’t ask me why this is needed, it is too late and I am too tired. i
> really do NOT understand the sequence of events - any more than I
> understand why the stuff I just made for James using d3.js doesn’t
> work right.
> i tell ya, folks. d3 makes my head hurt _bad_.

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