[tei-council] changing TEI XSL stylesheets

Syd Bauman syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu
Mon Sep 8 08:03:24 EDT 2014

MH> Isn't it in the Stylesheets git repo rather than P5 (which is on SF)?

SR> thats because its in Stylesheets, Test/expected-results/test.rng

Oh! Right. Thanks.

SR> sadly diff -Bbw does not help, as its a line break being removed,
SR> not just white space.

True enough, but it would ignore *some* whitespace problems.

SR> it looks as if you have lost a normalise-space() that was there
SR> before.
SR> I think your patch isn’t quite right, then. the normalised white
SR> space is the desired outcome.

I didn't touch the code that processes <a:documentation> elements in
the RNG, at least not on purpose :-)

Will take a look ... 

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