[tei-council] git help

Peter Stadler stadler at edirom.de
Tue Aug 12 07:34:17 EDT 2014

The way I'd generally work with git:

1. Fork the Stylesheets
2. configure the TEI-C master as a remote for your fork [1]
2. Keep your master branch untouched and only pull changes from the TEI-C master to your master
3. Develop features in separate branches in your project
4. Create a pull request from your feature branch to the TEI-C master
5. Someone else reviews your changes and accepts the pull request

This solves your syncing laptop-desktop-problem since all the development is done in your own project. Your are not tainting the main source


[1] https://help.github.com/articles/configuring-a-remote-for-a-fork

PS: See also https://gun.io/blog/how-to-github-fork-branch-and-pull-request/

Am 09.08.2014 um 14:48 schrieb Syd Bauman <syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu>:

> I started this as a message to Hugh, but then figured that others may
> benefit from his (or someone else's) response.
> I am working on making some changes to the stylesheets that have
> taken several days so far, and will take several more, probably. In
> the meantime, someone else (probably Sebastian) has also made
> non-conflicting changes to the same file.
> I presume that `git` would handle this in roughly the same way `svn`
> does -- when I try to push my changes to GIThub either they will be
> automagically folded in, or I will have to make manual adjustments
> before the push will succeed. (Is that right?)
> But more importantly, I had been making these changes on my little
> laptop. Now I want to work on them from my big desktop. (Why? Little
> laptop takes a long time to run a P5 build!)
> I could push my changes from the little laptop into GIThub, and then
> pull them onto the big desktop. But that would leave the stylesheets
> y'all use from GIThub badly broken.
> I could just copy the one file that matters from little laptop to big
> desktop, but a) that seems like a cop-out, and b) the copy on big
> desktop already has the changes someone else (probably Sebastian) has
> also made to this file, so I would lose those -- wouldn't that
> confuse the BLEEP out of `git`?
> SO, my question ... Is there a "git-proper" way of propagating my
> changes from my little laptop to my big desktop *without* pushing my
> changes into GIThub yet?
> I'm guessing there is, since this sort of thing is supposedly exactly
> what makes `git` better than `svn`. After all, both little laptop and
> big desktop have complete repositories. But one or both them will
> have to be running a git server or a web server (or both), right?
> Thanks for any thoughts on this.
> -- 
> tei-council mailing list
> tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU
> http://lists.village.Virginia.EDU/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
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