[tei-council] List @type musings

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Wed Aug 6 11:21:33 EDT 2014

On 06/08/14 14:53, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> On 6 Aug 2014, at 14:46, Syd Bauman <syd at paramedic.wwp.northeastern.edu> wrote:
>> However, I'm with James -- @type should be inherited from att.typed
>> unless there's a good reason not to. (Which nowadays is "don't want
>> @subtype", which is pretty darn rare.)
> and in extremis @subtype cabe removed for a given element.
> i recall someone once found a place where @subtype would be meaningless,
> but its hard to imagine. few things can't be subdivided.

It certainly has been argued before, but I forget 
where...presumably one of those that has a local type and no 
subtype, or one which is a member of att.typed and deletes 
subtype. Our general decision is that any element that can be 
repeated and for which there is any sensible form of 
classification can receive att.typed (but we shouldn't go adding 
it willy nilly, but use that as a measure when deciding in 
reaction to FRs).  Personally, I'm of the opinion that if you can 
classify anything then subclassification is always a possibility. 
membership in att.typed should be the default and only in 
extremis should we ever have a local @type attribute. (And since 
that should be so unusual it is almost reason for a different 
attribute name.)


Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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