[tei-council] Some short IIIF related XSLTs for TEI files

Stefanie Gehrke stefanie.gehrke at biblissima-condorcet.fr
Tue Jun 3 17:11:00 EDT 2014

Dear Council members,

recently I wrote some short XSL transformations now available via Github, see https://github.com/stefaniegehrke/TEI-2-SC, dealing with challenges regarding a display of transcriptions - deriving from TEI files - in a viewer using IIIF (http://iiif.io/).

The files were created in the frame of the French Biblissima project and serve to advance in the project’s case studies on interoperability and image repositories using Shared Canvas (IIIF).

As the number and complexity of the above transformations will (hopefully) gradually grow, I would be glad 

if you could give some technical comments on the kind of structure etc. 
previous experiences, that will help the common goal of having a collection of purpose oriented transformations that will make TEI data available / merge TEI data from different sources for display using IIIF.


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