[tei-council] ticket assignments

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Mon May 19 13:06:17 EDT 2014

Hi TEI Council

Some of you may have noticed that I have gone through and 
assigned any tickets which did not have an 'owner' to someone on 

What I want you to do for most tickets is to triage it (decide if 
it seems straight forward RED/AMBER/GREEN), email the council 
mailing list linking to a proposed solution that you've put on 
the ticket (even if it is just "Yes, implement this as the 
requester proposed").

In a couple cases where there are fairly technical tickets 
created by a member of council, you might want to make a longer 
report to the council mailing list explaining the issue in more 

If you really really think that one of the tickets I've assigned 
you is beyond you then raise it on the council mailing list and 
we'll see if we can find another willing council member who 
understands that issue better to take it over.  But remember this 
is about management of the ticket, getting a consensus from 
council, not _necessarily_ implementing it (if you can get 
someone else to do so on your behalf).

You can see just your tickets by clicking the down arrow at
or https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/bugs/
by 'owner' and checking the box to filter by your username.

Also note that we have a teleconference coming up soon, so start 
thinking about agenda items and put them here: 

Getting back to TEI Council business after a busy spell,


Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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