[tei-council] Fwd: <s> cannot contain <q> or <stage> in TEI (fwd)

Syd Bauman s.bauman at neu.edu
Wed May 7 15:17:13 EDT 2014

David --

I think the right thing to do for this and similar questions is to
have a boilerplate response ready to go. Something along the lines of

   Good day! The info at tei-c.org address is really for information
   about the TEI Consortium, not about the TEI encoding system. So
   while I can certainly try to answer your question or find someone
   to do so, you will probably get much better results by posting
   your question to the main TEI mailing list,
   TEI-L at listserv.brown.edu. If you are not already a subscriber to
   the list, sign up by surfing over to
   http://listserv.brown.edu/tei-l.html (which just forwards you to
   and clicking on "Subscribe or Unsubscribe" in the "Options" box on
   the right side of the screen.

> Could someone respond to Petr Trunecek on this query?

In fact, this chap's particular question will probably generate a lot
of discussion, since it boils down to "why favor hierarchy A over
hierarchy B".

Hope all is well.

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