[tei-council] XPointer rewrite

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Fri Mar 7 09:01:27 EST 2014

And another quick question: here:

A Sequence follows the definition in the XPath 2.0 Data Model, with one 
alteration. A Sequence is an ordered collection of zero or more items, 
where an item is either a node or a partial text node. An an XPointer 
sequence must consist of nodes, as defined above, except for the first 
and last items in the sequence, which may be partial text nodes.

I don't know what a "partial text node" is, I discover. If what's 
returned is an XPath sequence, wouldn't these be simply text nodes, 
knowing nothing about the fact that they're pieces of a source node? Or 
do they have some kind of notional relationship to their source text node?


On 14-03-07 05:54 AM, Martin Holmes wrote:
> Quick question for Hugh:
> I've just been reading the XPointer spec -- nice work -- and it looks to
> me as though it adheres pretty closely to what you laid out in your jTEI
> article. Is that so? Does it differ at all?
> Cheers,
> Martin

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