[tei-council] Doodle Polls for both teleconference and face-to-face

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Sat Feb 15 13:26:59 EST 2014

On 15/02/14 17:34, Martin Holmes wrote:
> Sorry to push, but I'll need to know what the decision on FTF dates is
> in the next couple of days, otherwise I'll have to start slotting other
> things in and knocking dates off my Doodle entries.

Apologies for the delay.  It seems that it is impossible for 
everyone to be happy with either of the things we're scheduling.

If you look at the poll the _best_ set of dates for the Face to 
Face appear still to be 14-16 May. 
http://doodle.com/pp9p8dak8hqhbduc In this set of dates it is 
inconvenient but possible for Sebastian and Lou and impossible 
for Syd. Sorry, I figure it is best to inconvenience local Oxford 
people if we have to because it is possible they can nip away to 
other meetings or similar.  Every date slot has someone who can't 
make it. But, *unless* someone has a good reason not to or wishes 
to change their doodle poll entry that makes a different slot a 
better choice it looks like 14-16 May is the best 3 day slot.  If 
no one shouts in the next 2 or 3 days let's go with that.  (Sorry 
Syd... is there a chance you might participate by skype for some 
of it?) Put that in your calendar now!

For the March Teleconference http://doodle.com/g9bzbbc8x2q4n7cg 
one of the best is Friday 7th March at 14:00 GMT. (Early for 
Martin but you've said you are ok with that.) Syd, again sorry, 
says he'll be teaching workshops but can possibly make it. Put 
that in your calendar now!

In terms of repeating this meeting: I would skip May since it is 
just near the face to face and suggest scheduling additional 
meetings of:
- Friday 6th June at 14:00 GMT.
- Friday 1st August at 14:00 GMT
- Friday 3rd October at 14:00 GMT
- Friday 5 December at 14:00 GMT

Put them in your calendar now!

Reminder: TEI Conference is 22-24 October.

> Incidentally, I saw on the news that Abingdon Road was under water for a
> bit. Oxford folks, have your homes and offices survived the cataclysm so
> far? Hope you're all doing OK.

As Sebastian says I think we're all fine here... just transport 
links are bit in disarray.  (I live on the top floor of a block 
of flats.)


Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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