[tei-council] Fwd: Further purification

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Sun Jan 26 07:22:59 EST 2014

This proposal didn't make it into the last release for plausible 
reasons. However it was warmly received for the most part, so I've now 
added a FR at https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/feature-requests/494/ which 
I hope we can agree to act on fairly soon.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Further purification
Date: 	Sat, 04 Jan 2014 22:56:48 +0000
From: 	Lou Burnard <lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk>
To: 	<tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU> 
<tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU>

Thinking about pure ODD, it occurs to me that it would be very useful if
one could treat <classRef>s in the same way as <moduleRef>s -- i.e. by
adding the attributes @include and @exclude to <classRef> it would be
possible inside an elementSpec to do things like

(a) <classRef key="att.global" except="att.linking"/>

as a short way of suppressing a bunch of attributes


(b) <classRef key="att.linking" include="next prev corresp"/>

as a neat way of saying which attributes I do want.

Similarly, for model classes, it would be really nice to be able to say
inside a content model something like

(c)  <classRef key="model.choiceLike" except="seg"/>

which would not interfere with seg appearing elsewhere in a content
model, but would suppress it from inside <choice> in a tidy way.

Anyone object to my adding these two attributes as part of the pure ODD

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