[tei-council] list types and rends: bug 460

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Sun Dec 22 20:05:28 EST 2013

While it's convenient to put transcribed text in certain attribute 
values, like @n and @orig, you can run into problems when doing so if 
the text you want to transcribe isn't a valid attribute value or 
contains gaiji, or if you want to point out an error.

So if there was an error in the page numbering, I might capture this by 

<fw type="pageNum" place="top-right">

For an error in a chapter number, I would have:


Similarly, for an error in a list numbering, I would have:


   <item>first item</item>

   <item>second item</item>

   <item>third item</item>


On 12/22/13 4:34 PM, Lou Burnard wrote:
> But would you use <label> to capture a page number or chapter number?
> (see my comment earlier in this thread)?
> On 22/12/13 19:13, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>> Yes, it might be worth exploring this distinction in the Guidelines,
>> giving contrasting examples of it done both ways and noting that the
>> <label> approach is required if you want to capture errors in the original.
>> I've also been thinking about how the question of whether a list can
>> reallyl be ordered depends in part on whether you are transcribing a
>> source document (as we generally assume in TEI) or you are composing
>> something brand new in TEI (as we've tried to support since P5 was
>> released).  In other words, when you identify a list in a source
>> document, it has inherent ordering, but when you create your own list,
>> you may want to assert that the list you are creating has no order (even
>> though the act of writing requires that you impose an order when putting
>> it in a document).
>> --Kevin
>> On 12/22/2013 2:03 PM, Martin Holmes wrote:
>>> Thinking more about this, there is some apparent inconsistency in my
>>> position:
>>> On the one hand, I'm arguing that "1", "2", "3" etc. shouldn't appear in
>>> @n if they appear in the original text, because transcribed text
>>> shouldn't be put into attributes;
>>> On the other hand, I'm arguing that<list rend="numbered">  should be
>>> used to represent a list which appears with numbers in front of the items.
>>> But there is some method in this. If the transcriber's view is that the
>>> numerical or bullet-like symbols decorating the items are in textual --
>>> in other words, part of the transcription -- then they can use<label>
>>> to capture them. If they believe that the decorations are non-textual
>>> (in the same way that indents, margins, italics and other such features
>>> are non-textual -- maybe supra-textual?), and that they are
>>> typographically consistent, then they can be represented using @rend.
>>> This is a useful distinction. It's interesting that if you create a list
>>> in HTML and set it to list-style-type: decimal, then copy-paste the list
>>> from your browser, the numbers will not be included in the paste.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Martin
>>> On 13-12-22 10:45 AM, Martin Holmes wrote:
>>>> On 13-12-22 10:12 AM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>>>>> On 22 Dec 2013, at 17:54, Martin Holmes<mholmes at uvic.ca>  wrote:
>>>>>> I see nothing in the definition of @n which suggests it's intended for transcribing things that actually appear in the text:
>>>>>> <http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-att.global.html#tei_att.n>
>>>>>> Are there other instances in which we ask people to put transcribed text into attributes? I thought the war on attributes was supposed to eliminate this sort of thing entirely. It seems especially bad when<label>  is sitting there for precisely this purpose.
>>>>> if you want a glorious example of our madness, look at att.global.xml:
>>>>>                    <bibl n="   1">
>>>>>                    <bibl n="   2">
>>>>>                    <bibl n="   3”>
>>>>> what on earth are those spaces/tabs doing in @n, I wonder??
>>>> That is very hideous. I couldn't bear it so I've removed them. But even
>>>> more amusing is the following French example, in which although the
>>>> nasty @n attributes remain, the @xml:base attribute which is supposed to
>>>> be the point of the example has been deleted. Urg. Should I make up a
>>>> phony @xml:base for that one?
>>>>> but consider these:
>>>>>                <divGen n="Index Nominum" type="NAMES"/>
>>>>>                <divGen n="Index Rerum" type="THINGS”/>
>>>>> what is “Index Rerum” if not literal text? mind you, that suggests to me that<divGen>  should support<head>.
>>>> I've always assumed that divGen is most likely to be used to create a
>>>> modern, external list of contents, rather than to hopefully reconstruct
>>>> programmatically something that appears in the original text; my
>>>> experience with original TOCs is that they're inevitably inconsistent or
>>>> idiosyncratic, and it would be impractical to try to reconstruct them
>>>> mechanically.
>>>>> @n "gives a number (or other label) for an element”, which surely is something that should have been killed the The Attribute Wat.
>>>> I have no objection to its being used to provide a label, but not when
>>>> that label is in the original text.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Martin
>>>>> --
>>>>> Sebastian Rahtz
>>>>> Director (Research) of Academic IT
>>>>> University of Oxford IT Services
>>>>> 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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