[tei-council] revisions to http://www.tei-c.org/Guidelines/P5/get.xml (was Re: "right" way to locally build customization?)

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Wed Dec 11 18:22:31 EST 2013

I'm debating whether to keep the rest of you on this thread, but I hope 
that all can help Sebastian and me make this documentation easier to 
read.  More below ...

On 12/11/13 1:33 PM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> On 11 Dec 2013, at 17:59, Kevin Hawkins <kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info> wrote:
>> However, Sebastian, I see that this page still references the repository
>> on SF, not GitHub.  It sorely needs to be updated.  Can you download the
>> TEI XML at http://www.tei-c.org/Guidelines/P5/get.xml?style=raw , edit,
>> and send me a new one to put online (or put it directly if you have
>> access to OpenCMS)?
> I have sent Kevin a crudely hacked version of this file, having done a minimal
> check that its not _entirely_ rubbish. But  I suspect/know it needs much more
> attention to make it readable for humans (not being one, I find that hard).

I've just fixed a typo and added a <change>, putting it here:


The div hierarchy (with the <head>s on each div) doesn't make sense 
since the discussion of the GitHub repository is under a section called 
"Using the SourceForge Repository".  In fact, the whole page has this 
title as well, but should be renamed to something broader.  Suggestions 

I can rearrange and retitle sections, but first I need to know whether 
the section called "Prerequisites for use of TEI source packages" 
applies to the packages currently on SF, GitHub, or both.

Also, in order to use the makefile in the P5 package (from SF), do you 
need to have both the Stylesheets and Roma packages (from GitHub) 
installed?  Does the Roma package require the P5 or Roma packages?  Does 
the Stylesheets package require the P5 or Roma package?


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