[tei-council] specDesc spec vs. reality

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at it.ox.ac.uk
Mon Dec 9 12:40:24 EST 2013

On 9 Dec 2013, at 13:18, James Cummings <james.cummings at it.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> I would expect that if I said:
> <specDesc key="foreign"/>
> that the default would be that I would get all attributes, local 
> or inherited.

do you realise how much extra space that will use, and how much repetition you’ll see?
the Guidelines would have to display as it tei_all were in force, so you’ll
get all possible global attributes listed for every element - and do not 
suggest we have a magic rule which suppresses “global” attributes…..

>> While we're looking at this, I have long wanted some way of
>> grabbing <egXML>s from the specs for display in the
>> descriptive prose (or indeed vice versa)
> I agree. At various times I've suggested re-examination of how 
> our corpus of examples works. (I believe I suggested separating 
> them from specs and prose into a separate corpus and then pulling 
> them in wherever required -- but I'm open to other improvements.)

i have a caveat about work like this (and the above), that it takes the very
limited time any of us have available and uses it on really rather minor changes
which don’t substantially help the users. I’d rather see the time spent
on new, bigger, examples.

A lazy man

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