[tei-council] tei/oxygen framework

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Mon Nov 25 12:51:07 EST 2013

If I go to Help / Manage Add-ons, I see TEI P5 version 2.3, and I also 
get an error that says this:

System ID: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/updateSite.oxygen
Severity: error
Description: 404 Not Found for: http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/updateSite.oxygen

I've tried inputting the correct URL 
(http://www.tei-c.org/release/oxygen/updateSite.oxygen), but it doesn't 
seem to have any effect. Anyone else seen this?


On 13-11-25 09:41 AM, James Cummings wrote:
> On the Manage Add-Ons tab I can see that this is version 1.29 of
> the oxygen-tei release. So it is _not_ a lacuna from oXygen's
> point of view. They seem to have version numbering.  The problem
> is that numbering doesn't reflect either the stylesheets
> versioning or the schema/guidelines versioning. Is there a way to
> control that number?
> Might it be better to split them into two add-ons?  Can one do
> that with a framework? Have stylesheets and guidelines update
> separately?
> -James
> On 25/11/13 17:34, Martin Holmes wrote:
>> Could there be a VERSION file included somehow?
>> On 13-11-25 09:33 AM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>>> On 25 Nov 2013, at 17:25, Martin Holmes <mholmes at uvic.ca> wrote:
>>>> Remind me again how I can tell which version of the stylesheets (for
>>>> instance) my Oxygen is using as a result of the update.
>>> well, there’s a thing. you can’t :-{
>>> bit of an embarassing lacuna, isn’t it
>>> sebastian

Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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