[tei-council] Minutes Document for Face to Face Meeting

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Sun Nov 10 10:33:22 EST 2013

I have created a Google Document for the minutes of our face to 
face meeting on Monday-Wednesday. In it I've put some suggested 
ticket groupings for us to try to get through during the periods 
set aside for that.  In many cases these tickets may have been 
hanging around for awhile, and either already agreed or just 
waiting on implementation. We should try to close as many tickets 
or identify what is stopping some of these tickets being closed 
during the meeting.

The google doc is linked from the existing suggested agenda (and 
reproduces it so the wiki page may get out of date as we change 
things).  If there are things that were not on the agenda we may 
bring them up in any of the discussion sessions (the topics are 
merely suggestions). Similarly some of the ticket listings do not 
reflect any that have been closed/changed in the last few hours.

This should be world editable:


See some of you at the Royal Oak from 6pm this evening.  I'll 
hang around for at least a couple hours.


Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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