[tei-council] Permissions for use of images. Was: Drafts of new Guidelines sections

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Tue Oct 22 06:41:45 EDT 2013

It occurs to me that rather than use


for the permissions, we might use


where ".ext" is a file extension for the format of the permissions 
document, whether .txt, .tei, .pdf, .jpg (a scanned image of a 
document), etc.  Including "permissions" in the filename would make this 

Still, it would be good to mention in tcw20 because people editing are 
more likely to see this reminder here than happen to notice other 
imagefilename.permissions.ext files in the same directory as the one 
they're working on.


On 10/21/13 6:35 AM, James Cummings wrote:
> I'd agree with this idea.  Seems best to store it with the images.
> -James
> On 18/10/13 19:40, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>> Right, I'm not aware of any convention that we've been using or any past
>> records.  Still, from what Sebastian writes below ...
>> On 10/18/13 12:05 PM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>>> On 18 Oct 2013, at 16:54, Martin Holmes <mholmes at uvic.ca>
>>>     wrote:
>>>>     - Store this correspondence in a central location on the TEI Website
>>>> (through the CMS)
>>>>     - Store it in a central location in SVN
>>>>     - Store it by convention alongside the image itself, in e.g.
>>>> P5/Source/Guidelines/en/Images, in a zip file with the same filename as
>>>> the image but a zip extension.
>>> the latter, very time. otherwise the two will get separated.
>> ... I think he's agreeing with the third option, and I'm going to assume
>> "very time" is supposed to mean "to be used every time".
>> If others agree with this practice, I suggest incorporating it into tcw20.
>> --Kevin

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