[tei-council] TEI Help Request from Will Dickinson (fwd)

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Mon Jul 1 21:30:54 EDT 2013

Hi Will,

I'm sorry to hear you're having problems. This sounds like it might be a 
permissions issue on Windows.

Could you tell me where you unzipped the TEI files on your hard drive? 
Have you tried downloading a second copy and unzipping in a separate 


> To whom it may concern,
> Hello!
> My name is Will Dickinson and I recently downloaded the TEI-2.3.0 from
> sourceforge.net.  I can access many of
> the files just fine: however, when I try to access the files that are in
> the folder labeled "tei", which
> itself is in the initial folder labeled "xml", I find I am unable to do
> so (it simply won't allow me to
> access them).  My laptop is a 2008 Windows Vista.  Do I need to
> purchase/download any additional software so
> that I can access all the files?
> You can also reach me at (203)-843-4416.
> Thank you so much!
> Will

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