[tei-council] Schematron constraint on <app>

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Mon Jun 10 17:54:58 EDT 2013

Hi there,

The <app> spec contains a constraint which bans the appearance of two 
<lem> elements within the same <app>; but one of the examples in the 
same file does precisely that:

<exemplum xml:lang="en">
     <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
       <app type="substantive">
         <rdgGrp type="subvariants">
           <lem wit="#El #Hg">Experience</lem>
           <rdg wit="#Ha4">Experiens</rdg>
         <rdgGrp type="subvariants">
           <lem wit="#Cp #Ld1">Experiment</lem>
           <rdg wit="#La">Ex<g ref="#per"/>iment</rdg>
         <rdgGrp type="subvariants">
           <rdg wit="#Ra2">Eryment</rdg>

Is this example OK? If so, then the Schematron constraint is wrong; if 
not, then how should it be fixed? This is the constraint:

<constraintSpec scheme="isoschematron" ident="only1lem">
     <constraint xmlns:sch="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron">
       <sch:assert test="count( descendant::tei:lem[ generate-id( 
current() ) = generate-id(    ancestor::tei:app[1] ) ]) &lt;       2">
Only one &lt;lem&gt; element may appear within a single  apparatus
entry, whether it appears outside a &lt;rdgGrp&gt;
element or within it.</sch:assert>

I'm a bit puzzled as to why this is only throwing an error recently, 
when the app.xml file was last edited back in April.


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