[tei-council] Suggestion for a new Guidelines TOC document

Gabriel Bodard gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk
Thu May 16 09:20:51 EDT 2013

On 2013-05-15 17:15, Martin Holmes wrote:
> 1. Do we want two columns however wide your screen is, or do we want
> three columns collapsing to two if there's not enough room for them?

My instinct is for two columns, but then my screen is taller than it is 
wide, so I never saw three columns in either design. I am a little 
concerned by how low down the screen the back-matter is in Kevin's 
layout, but I prefer its logical organization. Is there any way we could 
make the "Text Body" take up less vertical space?

> 2. Do we want to keep Some Popular Sections?

No. So long as we can get to the back matter quickly, I see no use for 
it, and it's a bit strange. (At best, maybe a separate section where we 
can auto-generate the most popular sections from webstats or something?)

> 3. Do we want to include the alternative output formats (PDF, ePub,
> Mobi) as list elements like the rest of the TOC (as in my mockup), or as
> links in a horizontal list across the top (as in Kevin's)?

Kevin's, I think. Or icons, as James (I think) suggested.

I think on the whole Martin's design works, but I'd get rid of 
"Versions" and "Some Popular sections" from the flow of the text (maybe 
move them to a top menu and sidebar, respectively); I think I'd move 
Source Code out to a sidebar-like location as well (in other words, more 
visually distinct from the rest than just a bit of background-color). 
Then on a tall screen, back matter will be right after text body (as in 
Kevin's) and everything extraneous to the TOC itself visually 
distinguished from the main content.

Many thanks to both Kevin and Martin for standing up these examples to 
be shot at, by the way. The easy bit is to take potshots once the work 
has been done. :-)


Dr Gabriel BODARD
Researcher in Digital Epigraphy

Digital Humanities
King's College London
Boris Karloff Building
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL

T: +44 (0)20 7848 1388
E: gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk


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