[tei-council] Ticket Grouping Assignments

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Wed Apr 10 23:47:43 EDT 2013

Hi All,

I've updated http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Council_agenda_2013-04

For Amber Feature Requests and Amber Bugs, I've added some 
tentative groupings and assigned a group of people for each of 
the sets of tickets. I've tried to balance tickets I think people 
will be interested in, moving people to new groups so they are 
not _always_ with the same people.

I've not included Green FR/Bugs or Red ones for now since that 
majority of these are either uncontroversial and awaiting 
implementation or need more proposals from the ticket creator. 
When we finish all the ambers we will move on to the Greens and Reds.

When we break into groups for discussion the group will be 
expected to return with:

- A brief summary of the ticket
- What Council's options are regarding it
- A recommendation of what to do (accept - which proposal? / 
reject / postpone / ask for more details)
- Who either from this breakout group, Council as a whole, or the 
community can reasonably be asked to implement this.



Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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