[tei-council] URL in get.xml doesn't go anywhere

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Mon Mar 25 16:16:49 EDT 2013

On 13-03-25 11:13 AM, James Cummings wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Did you make a decision about this? I would, in fact, remove
> mention of OUCS all together (since OUCS no longer exists... we
> are now 'IT Services' and that website will one day disappear.)

That's what Sebastian said, so I nuked the entire bit. I guess we'll 
have to trawl the whole tei-c site and associated materials for anything 
pointing at OUCS.

Seems weird that there'll be no OUCS any more.

> I also notice on this page that:
> - Link to the wiki uses the www.tei-c.org/wiki/ redirect to
> wiki.tei-c.org

So it should be direct to wiki.tei-c.org?

> - The tei-emacs link is wrong (now github?) as is passivetex

Should I point tei-emacs at github, or remove the ref to it? Where is 
passivetex now?


> Catching up on email after week-long holiday,
> James
> On 20/03/13 12:47, Martin Holmes wrote:
>> This one links to a page, but the page doesn't seem relevant to the link
>> in get.xml:
>> <p>This complex customization is given as an example of
>>                      how the Oxford University Computing Services use the
>>                      TEI for authoring its website.  See <ref
>> target="http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/">http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/</ref>
>>                      to see documents validated against schemas generated
>> from this ODD.</p>
>> Is there a better candidate for this link?
>> Cheers,
>> Martin
>> On 13-03-20 05:44 AM, Martin Holmes wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> The page at
>>> <http://www.tei-c.org/Guidelines/P5/get.xml>
>>> links to this URL:
>>> <http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/Query/>
>>> which no longer seems to point to anything. Is there another URL that
>>> should work, or should that whole section be deleted?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Martin

Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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