[tei-council] Testing tagging under the Allura system

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Sun Mar 17 20:48:21 EDT 2013

On 13-03-17 05:36 PM, James Cummings wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I created one just prior to migration... but aside from needing
> entirely new URLs why do you think the tagging won't work?
> I see the tags at https://sourceforge.net/p/tei/code/HEAD/tree/tags/

I'm presuming the URLs will change, but I think we're now suppsed to 
connect using svn+ssh for editing, aren't we? I don't know whether https 
will still work for committing but the message from SF after the switch 
suggested that editors use svn+ssh, and I presume that's different from 

But I'm quite ignorant here, so anyone who knows better, please correct 
me. I don't think we'll know for sure what will work until we try it, 
though, so that's why I'm warning everyone that you'll probably see me 
trying things and screwing them up till I get it right.

Actually, I could test quietly using one of my own projects to which 
no-one else ever contributes, which is also on SF. That might be simpler.


> -James
> On 18/03/13 00:29, Martin Holmes wrote:
>> Our TCW 22 (Building a TEI Release) document includes the following
>> instructions for creating a tag:
>> <quote>
>> Every time a new release is made, a "tag" is created consisting of a
>> complete copy of the P5 tree at release time. You can do this from the
>> command line on your own computer. This is how to do it:
>> svn copy https://tei.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tei/trunk/P5
>> https://tei.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tei/tags/P5_release_X.X.X -m
>> "Tagging the X.X.X release of P5."
>> where X.X.X is your new release. Supply your SourceForge credentials
>> when prompted.
>> </quote>
>> I suspect this will no longer work, or if it does for the moment, it'll
>> stop working in the future. I want to test what should be the new
>> equivalent some time in the next few days, so if you see me creating a
>> unnecessary tag, that's what's happening; I'll delete it when I'm sure
>> I've got the new syntax and paths right.
>> Cheers,
>> Martin

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