[tei-council] Quick survey of defaultVals

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Wed Feb 6 11:58:30 EST 2013

There are 66:

zone            / @rotate         data.count          0
att.tableDecora / @rows           data.count          1
att.tableDecora / @cols           data.count          1
datatype        / @minOccurs      data.count          1
datatype        / @maxOccurs                          1
teiCorpus       / @version        data.version        5.0
att.fragmentabl / @part           data.enumerated     N
att             / @scheme         data.enumerated     TEI
gi              / @scheme         data.enumerated     TEI
tag             / @scheme         data.enumerated     TEI
schemaSpec      / @start          data.name           TEI
geoDecl         / @datum          data.enumerated     WGS84
memberOf        / @mode           data.enumerated     add
att.combinable  / @mode           data.enumerated     add
recording       / @type           data.enumerated     audio
att.divLike     / @sample         data.enumerated     complete
att.tableDecora / @role           data.enumerated     data
att.docStatus   / @status         data.enumerated     draft
altGrp          / @mode           data.enumerated     excl
att.declarable  / @default        data.truthValue     false
att.editLike    / @instant        data.xTruthValue    false
vocal           / @iterated       data.xTruthValue    false
kinesic         / @iterated       data.xTruthValue    false
att.lexicograph / @opt                                false
att.msExcerpt   / @defective      data.xTruthValue    false
att.identified  / @predeclare     data.truthValue     false
orth            / @extent         data.enumerated     full
pron            / @extent         data.enumerated     full
attList         / @org            data.enumerated     group
attDef          / @ns             data.namespace 
att.namespaceab / @ns             data.namespace 
titlePart       / @type           data.enumerated     main
att.entryLike   / @type           data.enumerated     main
metDecl         / @type           data.enumerated     met real
shift           / @new            data.enumerated     normal
valList         / @type           data.enumerated     open
attDef          / @usage          data.enumerated     opt
relation        / @type           data.enumerated     personal
classes         / @mode           data.enumerated     replace
castItem        / @type           data.enumerated     role
join            / @scope          data.enumerated     root
correction      / @method         data.enumerated     silent
normalization   / @method         data.enumerated     silent
list            / @type           data.enumerated     simple
constitution    / @type           data.enumerated     single
u               / @trans          data.enumerated     smooth
hyphenation     / @eol            data.enumerated     some
att.identified  / @status         data.enumerated     stable
teiHeader       / @type           data.enumerated     text
said            / @direct         data.xTruthValue    true
note            / @anchored       data.truthValue     true
metSym          / @terminal       data.truthValue     true
listChange      / @ordered        data.truthValue     true
fDecl           / @optional                           true
tree            / @ord            data.enumerated     true
egXML           / @valid          data.enumerated     true
content         / @autoPrefix     data.truthValue     true
att.divLike     / @org            data.enumerated     uniform
availability    / @status         data.enumerated     unknown
correction      / @status         data.enumerated     unknown
quotation       / @form                               unknown
said            / @aloud          data.xTruthValue    unknown
sound           / @discrete       data.xTruthValue    unknown
att.transcripti / @status         data.enumerated     unremarkable
channel         / @mode           data.enumerated     x
att.personal    / @full           data.enumerated     yes
Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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