[tei-council] Deprecation: some positive action?

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Wed Feb 6 11:50:26 EST 2013

I would prefer that Lou and I first produce a coherent deprecation 
policy to Council at the next face-to-face, as we agreed to do in 
Oxford.  Then we can act according to this.

(After our last round of discussion of deprecation strategies on 
tei-council, I added the various proposals to 
http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Deprecation .)

On 2/6/2013 11:38 AM, Martin Holmes wrote:
> On April 19 2011, quotation/@form was deprecated. By the time the next
> release comes, it will have been deprecated for two years. Can I suggest
> we now remove it, and perhaps send a message to TEI-L warning that this
> change will appear in the next release?
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On 13-02-06 02:25 AM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>>> So because our current implementation of deprecation is suboptimal we shouldn't use it? In fact you propose to deprecate deprecation?
>> No,  I am proposing that we implement deprecation properly. No paper tigers.
>> Sebastian

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