[tei-council] TE Council Meeting in April.

James Cummings James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Fri Feb 1 10:53:07 EST 2013

Hi Elli, (CC'ed rest of Council)

Looking at http://www.doodle.com/58khxi5tk9eieg3i

Did we finally decide that Thursday 11, Friday 12 , and Saturday 
13 April were the best dates?

Does anyone have any serious objections to the last day being a 
Saturday? I'll assume everyone is good with this unless you 
respond in the next couple days.

If not we better start organising!

Questions/requirements that occur to me are:
- We'll need a room for 12-15 people and some areas we can go for 
informal small breakout groups?
- We'll definitely need wifi available. ;-)
- We usually either book coffee breaks from whatever catering 
you'd normally use (or if there is a really close place to buy 
such refreshments)
- We'll need at least reservations for lunch at some places that 
will take a group our size each day.
- Do you know if there is any benefit of doing the hotel booking 
en masse via you (i.e. Brown gets discount or something) or is 
better to do individually? (We've done both ways before). Can you 
recommend a reasonable nearby hotel with wifi?
- Is it helpful for some of us to gives talks (possibly the day 
before, weds 10) on our TEI-related work? Are locals interested 
or fed up with hearing about it from you. :-)

There are some other things on 
http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/Council-Meeting-Checklist but 
that's a start!


Dr James Cummings, James.Cummings at it.ox.ac.uk
Academic IT Services, University of Oxford

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