[tei-council] "soft deprecation": use @status='deprecated' ?

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Sun Jan 13 18:57:13 EST 2013

> Does Schematron formally support Warnings as opposed to Errors?

I use them in my Schematron and they certainly work in Oxygen. You just 
get a yellow icon instead of a red one in your validation results at the 
bottom of the screen.


On 13-01-13 01:57 PM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> On 13 Jan 2013, at 21:44, Lou Burnard <lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
>> This is a cunning way of circumventing/subverting the Birnbaum Doctrine. Whereas we used to say "no changes made in the TEI scheme will invalidate your document", we're now saying "no changes made in the TEI scheme will invalidate your document, so long as you include the "deprecated" module in your schema".
> yes, thats another way of looking at it.  if we follow Birnbaum to the letter, we'll never implement deprecation
>> Will it work though? Suppose we decide that we want to rename attribute @target to @url  and deprecate @target passim (stranger things have happened). We make the change in P5. We provide alternative definitions for all the elements which used to use @target in which they still do and bung them in the deprecated module. So far so good. But now suppose we make some other change to one or more of those elements, which doesn't involve any deprecation  but which is a straightforward bug fix. Do we apply this fix to the deprecated version as well? What if  (as you suggested earlier) one or more of these elements gets a new attribute ?
> We'd find some mechanism in the deprecated module to work around these issues. Definitely lots of details to work out.  My assumption is that
> Deprecated would be like a customization we pre-applied before any other customization. So things like element X getting a new attribute is fine,
> as the module would just be modifying it to add (back) a deleted attribute
>> And I still don't know what we do about "stylistic deprecation" -- where we say this element is permitted in the content model, but you should really  only use it in this particular way (e.g. @target on <locus> )
> i dont have a simple answer to that, I admit.
> Does Schematron formally support Warnings as opposed to Errors?
> --
> Sebastian Rahtz
> http://www.justgiving.com/SebastianRahtz
> Director (Research Support) of Academic IT Services
> University of Oxford IT Services
> 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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