[tei-council] "soft deprecation": use @status='deprecated' ?

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Sun Jan 13 12:48:42 EST 2013

Those of you who have been around a while will recall that over the past 
few years the need to deprecate certain practices in P5 has emerged, and 
we've been trying to figure out various mechanisms to go about this.  We 
began using the terms "soft deprecation" and "hard deprecation" though 
without clearly defining either.

In August I tried to summarize the state of the art:


which spawned a discussion on tei-council, which I captured on a "talk" 
page on the wiki:


to which I've added my own responses.

As you can see from these pages, Martin and I want to use 
@status='deprecated' in the ODD (which leads to a bold, red "deprecated" 
note appearing in the spec online) in all cases, whereas James (and 
possibly Laurent -- it's unclear) want to use @status='deprecated' only 
for cases of "hard deprecation" ("when we really want to deprecate 

In September Lou and I were charged with formulating a TCW document on 
deprecation for the next face-to-face meeting, but we still haven't 
formulated that.  In the meantime, though, I am faced with needing to 
know whether to use @status='deprecated' when performing a "soft, soft 
deprecation" on biblScope at type:


For now I did it WITH @status='deprecated' -- that is, the way Martin 
and I want to do it -- but since Lou and I still haven't developed a 
practice here, maybe I should remove this before our upcoming release. 
Until that TCW is ready, could I get an extra opinion or two on whether 
to use @status='deprecated' here?

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