[tei-council] another High Noon proposal

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Fri Jan 11 12:29:27 EST 2013

On 1/11/2013 12:27 PM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>> But I want to re-iterate that what I'm worried about here really
>> (despite the lovely excerpt from Indiana Jones) is not a user getting
>> confused about what attrs an element has, but a customizer being
>> baffled by how to add the attribute back.
> they can't. its as if it never existed.

Actually, I believe the way for them to "get it back" is to re-define 
the attribute for just that element.  But this means they won't inherit 
any revisions to that attribute's definition as they would with 
attributes in other cases.

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