[tei-council] Speeding up Jinks builds

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at it.ox.ac.uk
Fri Oct 26 12:01:45 EDT 2012

On 26 Oct 2012, at 16:55, Gabriel Bodard <gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk>

> In the past I've seen XSLT-heavy processes like this sped up by 
> literally several orders of magnitude just by writing a simple java 
> wrapper for Saxon so that it opens once and performs all the 
> transformations from one call, rather than opening, performing 
> transformation, closing, opening, performing transformation, closing 
> (repeat a thousand times).
indeed. that could probably do be done by wrapping each test in a single
ant script.

most of the test files do, for a given .odd file:

	-which rnv && rnv ../p5odds.rnc $< 
	$(ROMA) $(ROMAOPTS) --xsl=$(XSL) $< .
	jing -t $*.rng $*.xml
	-which rnv && (xmllint --noent --dropdtd  $*.xml | rnv $*.rnc )
	xmllint --dropdtd $*.xml | xmllint --noout --dtdvalid $*.dtd -
	saxon $*.isosch ../Utilities/iso_schematron_message_xslt2.xsl  > $*.xsl
	saxon $*.xml $*.xsl

which involves 

 2 x xmllint
 2 x rnv
 at least 4 Java startups, if not more
Sebastian Rahtz      
Director (Research Support) of Academic IT Services 
University of Oxford IT Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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