[tei-council] next release

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Sun Oct 21 13:28:32 EDT 2012

Just took a look through stuff assigned to me on the actions page:


James and I still have one major issue, the prefixing of xml:ids with tei_:

MH and JC 	implement expanded unique xml:id values in guidelines 

and there's one similar one outstanding for me alone:

MH 	Implement linking of the "Version 2.1.0" at the bottom of each HTML 
page to something, possibly to 
http://www.tei-c.org/Guidelines/P5/#previous, or better, to something 
which explains what version numbers mean and then links on to the above 

Apart from that one, I think all the release-blocking actions assigned 
to me are done.

Unfortunately I'm about as busy as I could possibly be at work at the 
moment, and I will be until the middle of November. The first task above 
already defeated me once, mainly because I really need to get a thorough 
understanding of how the Guidelines stylesheets work before I can handle 
it, but I should be able to manage the second if the deadline is not too 

Do we have a release date yet?


On 12-10-21 10:21 AM, Lou Burnard wrote:
> how are we doing on this front? I am painfully aware that i still have
> some outstanding actions to complete (less painfully that i am not alone
> in this) and am wondering what the dropdead deadline should be to
> accomplish them if they are to make it to the next release

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