[tei-council] moduleRef/@except != elementSpec[@mode=delete]

Gabriel Bodard gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk
Mon Oct 8 07:15:53 EDT 2012

This is arcane and probably not very interesting, but a bit confusing to me:

I recently decided to change the EpiDoc ODD from listing almost 100 
elementSpecs with mode=delete at the end of the schemaSpec, to listing 
these elements in the @except attribute on the relevant moduleRefs, on 
the assumption that the resulting schema would be functionally (if not 
byte-level) identical.

To my slight surprise, although the schema still seems to validate all 
of the files that it did before, there are a huge number of changes to 
the RNG code, that I thought I'd better check here are both expected and 
harmless. In about 80% of cases where the RNG contained an element:

<define name="tei_model.msQuoteLike">
immediately followed by:
<define name="tei_model.msQuoteLike_alternation">

the tei_model.*_alternation is missing from the new schema.

As I say, this hasn't made my schema stop working, but I don't know if 
this is just because I never used any of these "alternation" features 
that were there before. Is this something Sebastian needs to worry 
about, or is it all expected and benign? (And if the latter, could 
someone explain to me what is the expected functional difference between 
using @except and @mode=delete?



Dr Gabriel BODARD
Researcher in Digital Epigraphy

Digital Humanities
King's College London
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL

T: +44 (0)20 7848 1388
F: +44 (0)20 7848 2980
E: gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk


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