[tei-council] @style /rend/rendition coexistence

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Fri Oct 5 16:15:37 EDT 2012

On 05/10/12 21:07, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>    * @style and @rendition are from a formal descriptive  language, and are cumulative
>    * @rend is an alternate to @style/@rendition. if both exist, a processor can follow which it likes, depending on what its trying to do


>    * if there is nothing on the element at all, you can look up tagsDecl/@render to see what the thing looked like
> or are @style/@rendition building on tagsDecl/@render?

I had been assuming the latter. So in the worst case you might have

- @render telling you the font family
- @rendition telling you the size
- @style telling you some other property

Also, I believe the rule is that if the same property gets specified 
more than once, you are supposed to take the last one. so if @render 
says font family is bembo and @style says it is garamond, you believe 
the latter.

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