[tei-council] Schematron embedded in RelaxNG

Piotr Banski bansp at o2.pl
Mon Sep 24 16:03:38 EDT 2012

Hi Martin,

On 24/09/12 18:53, Martin Holmes wrote:
> So unless I'm missing something, it's unlikely that most people are
> getting any benefit from our Schematron constraints, unless they're
> aware that they have to manually generate a schematron schema and link
> it into their XML files. If this is the case, I think we should be
> documenting this process somewhere.

Oh I did get it to work all right, but I can only find an old example 
now, from when xml-model[1] was still merely a proposal, and oXygen 
rolled its own. What I did then was:

<?oxygen RNGSchema="OCTC_alignment.rng" type="xml"?>
<?oxygen SCHSchema="OCTC_alignment.rng"?>

In other words, two separate schema-association PIs pointing at the same 
schema doc for two different types of validation.

And I can't find the xml-model versions of that, although I am so sure 
that I eventually used those too, with schematypens, etc.

Please try that, at first in oXygen, with its under-the-hood validation 
magic, for whatever it currently uses to validate Schematron.



[1]: http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-model/

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