[tei-council] Fwd: extra artefacts

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Wed Aug 15 10:03:05 EDT 2012

On 15/08/12 15:00, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>>     Are there other
>> XSLTs in the release that could also use their own sentence or two of
>> documentation?
> probably. but there aren't any which we have promoted before.
> i think thats an open question, what other artefacts would
> our users find helpful.

Yes indeed, which makes me think that we should perhaps present these in 
a slightly different way. I'll try to produce a more precise proposal 
later on today or tomorrow. Off the cuff I'd say that information about 
(the existence of) p5subset is something useful to way more people than 
the others.

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