[tei-council] Attributes without examples

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Mon Aug 13 10:41:31 EDT 2012

Finding an example from a real text is the hard part.  Why not "pick the 
low-hanging fruit" -- and simultaneously engage the community! -- by 
giving people the opportunity to contribute examples to the TEI Guidelines?

For any attributes left, we can go digging through the library stacks.

On 8/13/2012 10:32 AM, Lou Burnard wrote:
> There's an obvious boot-strapping problem here! If we'd confined
> ourselves to pre-existing examples of TEI-encoded texts during the
> writing of the Guidelines we wouldn't have got very far. I wonder
> whether Kevin is interpreting "real examples" rather too literally --
> for me it means that the text being encoded is a real one, not that the
> encoding already exists. So I think it's perfectly OK (as I just did in
> fact for the Lite tutorial) to grab an example from a favourite real
> text and encode it so as to demonstrate the feature concerned.
> So Kevin, I happen to know from experience that just a few minutes walk
> from your office you have a pretty interesting collecion of books!

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