[tei-council] Options for freezing and/or archiving Lite

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Sun Aug 12 12:43:58 EDT 2012

On 10/08/12 00:30, Martin Holmes wrote:
ons as I see them:
> 1. Full archiving (no more development, no more building, no more
> changes, no more testing):
> 	Lite would be compiled and released as normal with the next release, so
> it would end up in the Vault for that release. Following that, it would
> be removed from the development trunk, and all links to it would point
> to the Vault version. The Lite ODD file <schemaSpec> would be linked to
> the version of P5 it was compiled with.

I can live with that option, so long as Lite remains accessible. One of 
the minor concerns I have is that the term "vault" does rather suggest 
(and does currently contain) stuff which no-one needs access to in a hurry.

> 2. Freezing (no more development, but Lite continues to be built and
> tested as part of the build process, and remains in trunk and in the
> release package):
> 	Lite would be compiled and released with every release. It's not clear
> whether it would be hard-linked to the P5 version in force at the time
> of the freeze or not; there are advantages and disadvantages each way.
> Bugs emerging out of testing would be fixed, but no other development
> would take place, no matter how apparently attractive the suggestions
> might be.

I think we did agree that Lite will be hard-linked to the P5 version 
current at its time of freezing. This would be my preferred option.

> 3. Active maintenance (no active development except where there are
> strong arguments in favour, but Lite is actively built and released as
> normal):
> 	What happens now would continue to happen, and we would respond to bug
> reports and entertain feature requests, although we would try to resist
> acting on the latter.

I would rather not go down this route. If we want to invent a new "lite" 
let's do that, and maintain it. This one has too much historical baggage.

> Does anyone see other possible scenarios?

Well, I suppose we could just throw it away...

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